Thursday, 1 March 2012


::Our Mission::

1. Placing the university in a class of their own identity through interaction with the outside world in its desire to achieve world-class university status

2. Bring a video clip that contains the latest technology through UTM Malaysia all the way from Bangalore and ends in Delhi, to share with the people of India about the technological innovation that took place in Malaysia

3. Provide exposure to the students about the environment, experimental methods, policy and professional values ​​that are practiced by students and lecturers at the universities of international standing

4. Inculcating values ​​experiential learning, civic responsibility and teamwork to produce individuals more attitude

5. Create global thinking and international civic leadership among undergraduate students through the sharing of scientific knowledge through learning visits at selected universities in Mumbai and Kanpur, India and companies in Hyderabad and Bangalore, India.

6. Create opportunities for students of culture clash situations (cross-culture) so that there is no culture shock when injected with a new culture at the turn of the future nature of employment and to maintain pure cultures of the existing

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